Fun in the Sun

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]This summer we have all been spending a lot of time outside enjoying the summer weather.  With Bella we have been spending time in our back yard as well as at dog beach in Muskegon.  Enjoy the pictures below. [/vc_column_text][vc_images_carousel images=”7515,7524,7523,7518,7522,7521,7517,7520,7519″ img_size=”large” speed=”4000″ autoplay=”yes” wrap=”yes”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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That’s a wrap!

Our whirlwind of a summer has finally come to a close. This past week+ was an amazing one. Despite Hayden’s pneumonia+strep+ear infection, our water trip was still on. We celebrated Mike’s birthday a little early so we could give him his brand-new-fancy-underwater-heavy-duty camera and diving watch. We were ready for the trip, and Hayden only…

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Gone Fishin’

This past weekend I took the kids fishing while Libby was working.  We went to Lakeview Park on Austin Lake.  Prior to going, the kids spent a fair amount of time at the compost pile digging for earth worms.  After having collected at least a couple of dozen we went off in search of fish….

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