Game On!

Tonight was game night. Violet and Hayden started out playing the penguin fishing game while Libby and I cleaned up in the kitchen. After I heard the gears grind on the game, I decided to intervene. We played the fishing game for a bit until Hayden decided it was time to put it away. After…

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Big boy bed

Mike alluded to the fact that he gave in when Hayden “requested” he lay down with him in his new bed. I think that he was just really tired and knew that Hayden’s bed was more comfortable than sitting in his rocking chair. I will say, however, Hayden is doing a great job sleeping in…

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Choo Choo Train

Hayden and Violet usually come downstairs after they get dressed to have a baba beebee (vitamin) and watch some PBS kids. Today Hayden got up, got dressed, but didn't come downstairs. Expecting the worst, I walked up stairs to assess the damages. To my surprise, Hayden was playing choo choo train by himself. He made…

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New Bed

Libby was brave and took both kids to get shoes today. In addition to this, she also took them to Mattress Mart to get a bed frame for Hayden so he could have a big boy bed. It’s a good thing Libby got a bed frame because Violet was waking Hayden up from afternoon nap…

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Mom’s Night Out

Libby had a work meeting tonight so I picked up the kids and am now letting them play before Hayden's bedtime. We got home and immediately they changed into their bathing suits so they could play in the kiddy pool and sprinkler while I made dinner. So I didn't have to get them dried off,…

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One less finger…

…nail, that is. Soon. I hope. Last month or so, Violet shut Hayden’s hand in a door at daycare. It went from black, to purple to multi-colored, and finally to brown. We knew it was due to fall off, but were hoping it wouldn’t. It is currently hanging on by part of a cuticle. Since…

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On Tuesday, we went to Bob Evens (down on the farm!) for dinner since Mike was training at the Fetzer Center for work. Dinner went really well partly due to the fact that we got both kids chocolate milk with really long bendy straws. The kids both wanted breakfast for dinner, so we got them the…

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