Sore Muscles

A few nights back Violet had a leg cramp so we put the heating pad on her. Once Hayden found out why Violet had to use the heating pad he suddenly had sore muscles all over his body. Here is a picture of Hayden making his “sore” arms feel better.

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Tricky Math

The other night Violet and I were practicing math. I started by having her add 2+7 and subtract numbers like 5-3. Then we made it tricky. We started doing 1+3-1 and so on. Then it was Violet's turn to challenge me with some problems. I got some pretty tricky ones using mental math, but I…

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Time Out

The other day Hayden got a time out.  Generally Hayden is a good kid, but this isn’t anything too noteworthy.  What was unique about this timeout was why he received it.  He received the timeout because he threw a vacuum at Violet.  In all of my days on this earth I have never been made…

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New URL for Online Photo Albums

In addition to adding new photos to the web albums we also moved the albums to Google+.  The new URL where the photo albums are located is here.  The long ugly version is: We uploaded some photos from the park where Violet and Hayden both saw their new friends from daycare and also photos…

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