
I got my haircut for my Puerto Rico trip, so Hayden and Violet wanted their hair cut too. Hayden did really well except for when the clippers were tickling his neck. He listened to Libby when she said to put his head up or down or left or right.  Violet got her bangs trimmed too…

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Story Time

Libby’s attempt to read George Martin’s entire “Song of Ice and Fire” series (well, the first 4 released books, at least) in 14 days was unsuccessful. She got through two and a half of them but had to go to Barnes and Nobel to purchase the last two. While she was there, she got books…

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Heart melted: check

These kids are really awesome. Tonight, however, they hovered between the two extremes of being super cute and behaved and crazy, loud, or screaming. At one point, Violet is crying her little eyes out in time-out (for hitting one of the cats!) and Hayden will not leave her alone, yelling “s’ok, Bobby! s’ok!” and trying…

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