
Story Time
Libby’s attempt to read George Martin’s entire “Song of Ice and Fire” series (well, the first 4 released books, at least) in 14 days was unsuccessful. She got through two and a half of them but had to go to Barnes and Nobel to purchase the last two. While she was there, she got books…

Growing Trees – Part 3
The apple tree continues to grow (Part 1, Part 2). As can be seen from the picture on the right, the original apple tree now has a sibling. The proximity of the two trees with respect to one another is not ideal, but what do you expect when a three and a half year old…

Weekend and the Grandparents
We went up to see grandparents this weekend. After a great pancake breakfast at Paula and Ray’s, we packed up the kids and headed up to do some sledding. Violet and Hayden had a blast sledding with Grandpa Chuck. Since it was cold and VERY windy, we stayed inside for the afternoon. Hayden and Violet…

Health Screening
Today, Libby and I got a health screening at Stryker. Usually Libby and I do this over lunch, but this year, the timing didn’t work out so we did it at 5:30. Since we did it at 5:30, Violet and Hayden were in tow having fun at Stryker. To keep the kids quiet while we…

Growing Trees – Part 2
Fuji Apple Sprout It has been almost two weeks since we planted the seeds. Nothing has sprouted, so Libby and I were thinking about composting the dirt and “broken” seeds. We were hesitant to, however, since Violet has been checking them every day and asking us when they were going to sprout. The answer to…
Snow Shoveling with Violet
Since we got several inches of snow yesterday and the plow went by the drive, I got on my winter clothes to go clear the drive. Since Libby was putting Hayden down and then going to work out, I decided to bundle Violet up so she could “help” shovel the drive as well. I grabbed…

Silence makes me nervous
With two young kids, there never seems to be more than moments of silence – and those times are generally when they are sleeping or eating (only when they get started eating, however). So, when there comes some time when I don’t hear either of them, it makes me nervous. There was one point the…
Heart melted: check
These kids are really awesome. Tonight, however, they hovered between the two extremes of being super cute and behaved and crazy, loud, or screaming. At one point, Violet is crying her little eyes out in time-out (for hitting one of the cats!) and Hayden will not leave her alone, yelling “s’ok, Bobby! s’ok!” and trying…
Dreams of a Future
The other night at dinner, Mike and I were talking about finances and how much we were putting away into the kids’ 529 accounts. Violet asked us what a 529 account is, and we explained that we are saving money for when she and Hayden are old enough to go to college. We talked about…