As you may or may not know, Hayden is in big boy underwear. He has been in big boy underwear for the past few days now. For the most part he has been doing well going pee. He has not however ben doing well at all doing #2. For a couple of days he has been squatting and when we ask him if he needs to go he says no.
This has been happening for a few days that is until last night. Last night he had to go during dinner so I got him to the bathroom. He went pee and said he was all done. He has been doing this for the past few days. I told him to sit and take his time and persuaded him with Netflix on my tablet. I told him he could watch Netflix on my tablet while he was sitting on the toilet.
The anticipation of watching Netflix got something going and as I was going to get my tablet he started to drop a load! Hopefully this is something that will come easier as the days progress.
Netflix…the great persuader!!<br />Love, gramma sue 🙂
A high-tech dump! Now I've heard everything! Grammy