Some mornings are rough, especially the mornings when I have a deadline to be somewhere. This morning Violet had a dentist appointment so we needed to be at daycare by 7:30ish to get to the dentist on time.
Lately the kids have been sleeping in until 6:30 or later. Violet has been sleeping in until 7! This is truly awesome, except for weekdays when I need to have them ready so I can get to work on time. This morning, we were SOOOO close to leaving on time. Both kids were up and I managed to get them dressed by 7:15. Just before were heading out the door, of course, I had to change Hayden’s diaper one-more-time. Then, Violet didn’t want to wear the shoes she had on her feet. Neither kid wanted to wear coats. We were on the road at 7:42. I knew I’d never make it.Luckily traffic wasn’t too bad at that time and I got to daycare in probably record time: 13 minutes. After dropping off Hayden, Violet and I were off to the dentist.

When we were leaving, she asked if we could have more special girl mornings. I let her know that dentist mornings can be our special mornings and every once in a while we can have them too. It was a lot of fun, and I hated to drop her off and go to work today.
Unbelievably, when we got to daycare, the first thing she asked was when snack was going to be. I hope she’s just going through a growth spurt and this isn’t going to be the trend. I really had a good morning with her. I wish Mondays were always this much fun.