Trips to Meijer

Usually I go to Meijer by myself because it is a lot quicker and the kids usually don’t want to go.  Occasionally, the kids do want to go to Meijer.  This is usually because Libby is doing something boring at home like cleaning or something.  When I do take the kids to Meijer I bring…

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Neon LIghts

A couple weeks back Violet brought home a flyer.  This wasn’t that special since the school and PTO seem to have events of some kind or another continuously.  The flyer that she brought home was for the “Neon Lights” event.  Upon reading it, the event was a daddy daughter dance.  Libby and I were discussing…

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Knowledge is Bad

Violet has only been in Kindergarten for a few months and I am already realizing that it would be better to keep her secluded and away from evil things like books and words.  Below is evidence for why learning is evil. This drawing was being created in the dining room while Libby and I were…

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Ben Jammin

So Hayden is a groupie… At his Daycare there is a piano teacher by the name of Ben Jammin (given I am sure). Ben does concerts for the kids at Hayden’s daycare and Hayden loves it. As we were walking out one day Hayden saw Ben from afar and ran to give him a hug….

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Sore Muscles

A few nights back Violet had a leg cramp so we put the heating pad on her. Once Hayden found out why Violet had to use the heating pad he suddenly had sore muscles all over his body. Here is a picture of Hayden making his “sore” arms feel better.

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Tricky Math

The other night Violet and I were practicing math. I started by having her add 2+7 and subtract numbers like 5-3. Then we made it tricky. We started doing 1+3-1 and so on. Then it was Violet's turn to challenge me with some problems. I got some pretty tricky ones using mental math, but I…

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