A couple weeks back Violet brought home a flyer. This wasn’t that special since the school and PTO seem to have events of some kind or another continuously. The flyer that she brought home was for the “Neon Lights” event. Upon reading it, the event was a daddy daughter dance. Libby and I were discussing it and I wasn’t too excited about it but we decided to sign up since Violet kept telling us that her friends were going.
Violet and I went out to dinner all dressed up. We tried to go to Olive Garden but there was too long of a wait. Violet was VERY concerned that were going to be late so we ate at Bob Evens instead. When we got to the dance Violet saw one of her friends and her friend was ahead of us. I told Violet not to run in the parking lot and Violet told me to “walk faster dad” in between her screams to her friend. Once we got there The dads and the kids were looking around to get the lay of the land, but once Violet caught up to her friend and found a couple more she was right at home.
From 6:30 to 9 pm Violet was running non-stop between dancing with her friends, the munchies, and me. Violet slow danced with me during those songs and then she danced with her friends for the fast ones. At first I was hesitant about going, but just watching her with her friends and having a chance to dance with her was awesome. I wouldn’t pass it up for the world.
Both Violet and I are looking forward to going to the next daddy daughter dance next year. Below is a video of Violet dancing with some of her friends.