As Libby mentioned in the previous blog post, we planted a garden this weekend. In order to get the plants, we went to Wedel's. Along with having a TON of plants (a metric ton to be specific) Wedel's also has a HUGE pond with a river in the middle of their outside nursery. Needless to say, this was a hit with the kids. We went on an adventure following the river to see where it ended.
Once we got home, we started digging up the yard. Violet and Hayden helped by taking all of the grubs out of the dirt and put them on the sidewalk for the birds to eat. Since the birds weren't swooping in with the kids there, Violet and Hayden started to play with the grubs. As it turns out, the grubs have pinchers. Violet got pinched by one of the grubs while she was playing with it.
Understandably, Violet was turned off from playing with the grubs, so she turned her attention to the "wormens" (what Violet calls earth worms). These were nice bugs that helped make the dirt better, so Violet and Hayden would take them from the front and walk them to the back yard and put them in the compost pile.
The kids found the plants boring, but there were plenty of bugs to keep them occupied.