Tonight will be night 4 of the big-boy bed for Hayden. Last night went quite well, considering last night was a class night and Hayden didn’t have Mike around to convince into laying with him. Hehe. I am just as stubborn as my son, so while he laid in his bed, I rocked in the rocking chair and he fell asleep just fine. I’m hoping after a week or so, he’ll stop asking (demanding!) me to sleep with him.
We’re glad we made the switch when we did. On his 2nd birthday, he’ll no longer be sleeping in a crib at daycare (per state regulations – or something like that). The daycare provider let me know that it has been quite a while since she hasn’t had kids in cribs – all of the children will be sleeping on the floor in just a couple weeks!
They’re growing up so fast. Violet commented to me that she’s really proud of her “big brother.” I reminded her that he’s still her little brother, but she corrected me, “Mom, oh I know that (emphasis on “I”), but he’s a big boy now.”
They make me smile.