Author: Libby

Night night

Before hayden lays down for bed, he has to say goodnight to a myriad of items/people. Tonights goodnights included: Hairdryer Vacuum Mixer Teddy Midnight Bobby It sounds like this: Hayden: “Nyny vacuum. Nyny hairdryer....

Skittles still hasn’t learned

For anyone who knows our older cat, Skittles, you will know that she hasn’t been the friendliest of cats – especially from the meds she was on for quite a while. She has always...

Winter camping

This past Friday was a ‘no daycare’ day for the kids. Therefore, I stayed home with them. Most days like this, I don’t feel as though I can get much accomplished. Not this time!...



Hayden sure does love his routines. At night, he has to read Goodnight Moon while holding his blanket (kampy) after brushing his teeth and drinking a glass of water. Tonight, however, i could not...

Two Pea Bah

Hayden continues to set the table (See original). This morning Hayden wanted protein. He went into the corner cupboard and reached for the peanut butter. Since one isn’t enough, he went for a second....

Health Screening

Today, Libby and I got a health screening at Stryker. Usually Libby and I do this over lunch, but this year, the timing didn’t work out so we did it at 5:30. Since we...

Setting The Table

I got home from my swim to eat a bowl of cereal and found evidence of what I assume is Hayden setting the table. He helps Libby in the morning by going to the...

Growing Trees – Part 2

Fuji Apple Sprout It has been almost two weeks since we planted the seeds.  Nothing has sprouted, so Libby and I were thinking about composting the dirt and “broken” seeds.  We were hesitant to,...